Calling your banns.
Calling the banns is a legal procedure, ancient, and still in force, which has become a beloved part of the run-up to a British wedding. Calling or “publishing” your banns simply means that your intention to marry is announced in the main parish service for three weeks running.
If you are marrying here and both partners are resident anywhere within the Heart of Monmouthshire Ministry Area, your banns will be set to be called automatically when you book your wedding. You need do nothing more. We normally call banns during the first three weeks of the month before the wedding.
If you are marrying here but one or both partners are reside elsewhere, your banns will be set to be called here automatically when you book your wedding. But you will also need banns called where you live, after which you’ll get a certificate which we’ll need to see.
If you are marrying elsewhere, but one or both of you live within the Heart of Monmouthshire Ministry Area, you should request that we read your banns by filling in the form linked below. After the final calling of your banns, you will need to collect a certificate to show the priest who will be presiding at your wedding. There is a £45 fee for this service.
There is no legal requirement for a couple to be present, but many families do enjoy coming along to hear them read. We can certainly assure you of a warm welcome.

Ready? Let’s get started …
To book your banns in the HoM MA for a wedding elsewhere, just follow this link …