Earlier this year I celebrated my 67th birthday and also completed 50 years of full-time employment, including most recently, almost ten years in stipendiary service as a Ministry Area Leader.  I like to think I still have a bit more life left in me, and after much prayerful thought and discernment, believe the time is now right for me to continue my ministry in different ways. 

So, in discussion with and agreement of the Bishop I have given notice of my intention to resign from the Benefice as your Rector and Ministry Area Leader on 26th November this year – the feast of Christ the King.

Over the last three years we have worked hard to come together as the Heart of Monmouthshire Ministry Area, collaborating in finding new opportunities to share the love of God amongst ourselves and our communities, to learn to trust and value each other.  During that time we have embarked on new initiatives and embraced new ways of working in friendship and partnership. 

After a three-month period of reflection and prayer, with a break from any Sunday ministry, Bishop Cherry has kindly agreed to license me and I will begin a new phase in my ministry here in the Diocese.  Liz and I (and our two Bassett Hounds) will still continue to live in Bryngwyn, and you will no doubt see us out and about in the area. 

We are both very grateful for the prayerful love and support you have given us over the many years we have played a role in our communities here in the Heart of Monmouthshire – thank you.



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